Liquid on Top of Sourdough Starter – Should I Restart My Starter | My Daily Sourdough Bread (2024)

During the process of making sourdough bread and feeding your sourdough starter, you may have noticed a little liquid collecting along with your starter. This sourdough starter liquid is called hooch, and this normally occurs once your starter has consumed all of its available food. It may seem like the flour and water have dispersed. However this liquid is actually quite normal. So if you’re a little concerned about the liquid on top of your sourdough starter, then let’s delve deeper into it’s many reasons.

Liquid on Top of Sourdough Starter – Should I Restart My Starter | My Daily Sourdough Bread (1)

Why Does my Sourdough Starter Have Liquid?

If you are an avid sourdough baker, then you may have noticed that your starter has formed a little pool of liquid on top of it. Some people call this hooch, and others call it alcohol. The truth is that hooch is actually the by-product of fermentation and in no way should be consumed because it contains alcohol.

It’s important to understand what this slightly sticky liquid forming on top of your starter is, and whether it is here to stay!

Let’s start with the basics: in its simplest form, your sourdough starter is just flour and water – and a bit of salt if you’re using some. The flour contains starches that when combined with water begin fermenting under certain conditions. This process is called leavening and produces carbon dioxide bubbles, which give bread its characteristic airy texture.

You’ve probably seen this happening before, when you’ve tried making homemade bread; sometimes though instead of creating bubbles within the dough itself (resulting in lighter bread), fermentation can cause bubbles outside of your dough too! When there isn’t enough food left for your yeast cells to eat up all their food quickly enough, some will remain hungry. These cells will then begin consuming any available sugars left in order to survive until they can be fed again later on.

Should I Get Rid of the Hooch?

You may have heard that hooch is bad for you and your starter. Well, that’s not entirely true. In fact, it’s quite good.

Hooch gives your starter it’s distinct tangy flavor and helps to produce even more sourness in the final loaf of bread.

If you do choose to discard some liquid from your sourdough starter, it’s important to remember that this will change the hydration of the remaining mixture. So try not to go overboard when doing so!

If your sourdough has formed its little puddle of liquid, mix it back into the starter before discarding a little bit of the starter in time to feed.

The only time we recommend getting rid of hooch from your sourdough is if it has been stored in the fridge for a long time – like months or years – and there is an abundance of dark brownish colored liquid on top, which can indicate mold growth.

What Color is Hooch?

The color of your hooch will depend on the kind of starter you are using. A very young sourdough starter will have a clear or slightly cloudy liquid on top, while a more mature one may have a black or purple liquid sitting atop the dough.

This is quite normal, and won’t affect the performance of your starter. Although you may want to refrain from allowing it to become more darker. Simply stir in the liquid and discard before feeding again.

If you see a mold growing on top of your starter, then it’s time to discard that batch and start again with fresh ingredients.

Liquid on Top of Sourdough Starter – Should I Restart My Starter | My Daily Sourdough Bread (2)

How to Prevent Hooch From Appearing?

If your starter is consistently producing hooch, even after it has been fed, you may need to change a few things.

Hooch may be harmless, but it is an indication that your starter is hungry, meaning that you’ll need to increase its food, and stop it from consuming it so quickly.

To tackle this, try increasing the regularity of feeding, so instead of feeding your starter every 24 hours, attempt to feed your starter after 12 hours. If this doesn’t work and the hooch still appears in excess amounts then try moving your starter to a cooler spot and maintaining a temperature of 70 °F or lower. This will hopefully ensure that it consumes its feed slower.

Feeding at a higher ratio of flour and water may also contribute; try increasing the flour by 10% each time until no more hooch appears on top of the sourdough starter.

How do I Know When my Sourdough Starter is Ready to Use?

You may have noticed, but there are a few things that can help you know when your sourdough starter is ready to use.

First of all, look at the jar or container that you are using. You will see bubbles on the surface and sides of your starter. The bubbles mean that it has risen up with carbon dioxide gas and this means that it is ready for use.

The second thing to look out for is how long it takes for your starter to double in size. This should take anywhere between 12-24 hours if everything goes according to plan. If this happens within 12 hours then you needn’t worry anymore, because something went wrong somewhere along the way. It has resulted in an overall problem in the sourdough starter recipe!

Liquid on Top of Sourdough Starter – Should I Restart My Starter | My Daily Sourdough Bread (3)

The Correct Way to Feed my Sourdough Starter

The best way to start feeding your sourdough starter is with equal parts flour and water. Once you’ve mixed these ingredients together, cover the bowl with a clean cloth and let it sit for 8 hours at room temperature.

After you have given your starter its initial feeding, check on it after 8 hours. If there’s still liquid on top of the dough, don’t worry! This is a sign that your sourdough is working properly. Just give it another hour or so until all of the liquid is absorbed into the dough.

If in doubt, stick around. You’ll know when it’s time to move on because there will be no more wet spots visible on top of your starter, instead, there should be lots of little bubbles throughout!

How to Refresh my Sourdough Starter?

Refreshing your sourdough starter can be done in a variety of ways.

One method is to remove 1/4 of the starter and add 1/4 flour and 1/4 water, then place it back in with the remaining starter for 24 hours. Once this period has elapsed, feed again with 1/4 flour and 1/4 water.

Another common method, is to discard all but about an ounce or so of your current sourdough starter, which will still have plenty of life left, add new flour, water and salt and let it sit out overnight at room temperature. Then feed your starter once again with equal parts new flour, water and salt before returning it to its container.

What to do if my Starter is too Runny?

If your starter is too runny, it may prevent your starter from growing, and rising. The gas bubbles rapidly escape through the runny liquid, and not through the top layer of flour, as they should.

This is often caused by using a different type of flour with a different type of gluten than what is normally used for sourdough starter. Essentially, using very hot or cold water when making your next batch of sourdough bread can also result in a very runny starter. The best way to revive a runny starter is through discarding most of it and leaving a tiny amount in the jar.

Use a spatula to scrape all the remains of your sourdough starter out of its container, place it in a clean jar, then add 20g of wholemeal flour and 20g of water. Mix thoroughly with the remaining old starter until a smooth paste forms. Add some more water if necessary until the correct consistency is achieved. There should be no dry crumbs left at the bottom.

Clean off the sides of the jar with a spatula and leave it on a countertop with a loose lid for 6-12 hours. After this time some activity should have occurred within the jar, meaning that your starter has successfully revived!

For some tips on troubleshooting sourdough starter that doesn’t provide that perfect rise you seek, check out our blog: Sourdough Not Rising – What Went Wrong and How to Fix it.

Liquid on Top of Sourdough Starter – Should I Restart My Starter | My Daily Sourdough Bread (4)

How to Make the Perfect Sourdough Starter?

Once you have your sourdough starter, it’s important to keep feeding and maintaining it.

First, take out a few tablespoons of the starter and mix them with equal amounts of flour and water. Then, place the mixture in a glass jar with an airtight lid. Follow with covering loosely using a towel or cheesecloth (this will help keep flies away).

In order to maintain proper moisture levels for your starter, keep an eye on its consistency. Add more water when necessary to ensure that it remains nice and loose.

Take enough care of your starter so that your it begins to showcase these signs:

  • Your starter should appear bubbly, active and release a sour smell. It should also be able to hold its shape.
  • Your starter should be able to double in size overnight.

Furthermore, you should ensure that your starter is fed regularly. Feeding should be done after every use of the sourdough, whether it is used daily or once a week.

So About the Liquid on my Sourdough Starter?

Coming down to check on your starter in the morning? Find a little liquid forming on top? It’s not a cause for concern.

Unless there is mold involved, you do not need to get rid of the hooch. In fact this little pool of dark liquid is what provides your sourdough loaves with its perfected tanginess!


Should I Pour the Liquid off my Sourdough Starter?

Generally, you shouldn’t remove the liquid (or hooch) off of your sourdough starter. This becomes a part of your sourdough starters hydration, and pouring it off will jeopardize the hydration of your starter.

Can You Drink Sourdough Starter Hooch?

Generally, the hooch that forms on top of your sourdough starter is harmless. However it isn’t recommended to drink it directly, but you can use it to make beer, wine etc.

How do You Know if Sourdough Starter is Bad?

You can tell that your sourdough starter has gone bad if it doesn’t respond to regular feedings, especially if it has been left unfed for a long period. Other signs can include discoloration and mold, which would indicate that it’s time to throw it out and start over.

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Liquid on Top of Sourdough Starter – Should I Restart My Starter | My Daily Sourdough Bread (2024)


Liquid on Top of Sourdough Starter – Should I Restart My Starter | My Daily Sourdough Bread? ›

No need to start over. The layer of liquid (hooch) is waste from the growing yeast. Pour off the liquid layer and stir the rest. Discard about ⅔ of the remainder and replace with equal parts flour and water.

Should I discard liquid on top of sourdough starter? ›

A clear liquid on top of a starter that has vigorously risen and fallen and was covered with bubbles (which have subsided) is hooch. If you see hooch on your starter, discard and refeed. A clear liquid on top of a starter that has not vigorously risen and fallen is water separation.

How do I know when to restart my sourdough starter? ›

But if it doesn't respond at all (no growth, no bubbles) after three or four days of twice-a-day feedings, you might as well start over. Just be sure to stir some of your old starter into the new — so you can continue to brag about how long you've kept your starter going!

Why does my sourdough starter have a layer of liquid on top? ›

And it just means that your sourdough starter is hungry, which is a good thing, especially since you're starting out. So when you go to feed it, just mix it all up, mix that liquid back in there. It's actually called hooch. Like, literally, that's what it's called.

How often should you refresh sourdough starter? ›

Refresh your starter at least once a week, even if you are not baking. Always refresh your starter the day before you bake – and if you can, refresh it twice back to back. It will make all the difference.

Should you keep or discard hooch sourdough starter? ›

A starter that has been left in the fridge for a long time will develop darker hooch. It can be brown, black or even purple looking. All of these colors are normal and will not affect the viability of your sourdough starter. They can just be stirred back in before you discard and feed.

Do you have to discard sourdough starter every time? ›

Although you need an active, well-maintained starter for certain artisan breads, you can still make tasty bread with a sluggish, slow starter so you don't have to discard sourdough starter daily. In fact, many of my favorite sourdough bread recipes use discard for flavoring to give bread that classic tang.

Should my sourdough starter rise everyday? ›

If kept around 76°F (24°C), this sourdough starter should ripen about every 12 hours. To give it a feeding, I discard the ripe sourdough starter in the jar down to 20g, add 70g fresh all-purpose flour, 30g whole rye flour, and 100g water.

How do you fix a runny sourdough starter? ›

If your starter is too runny, it maybe that you need to increase the ratio. A ratio of 1:2:2 can work - so you'd double the flour and water.

What happens if I forgot to discard starter before feeding? ›

If you didn't discard a portion of your starter each time you feed it, two things would happen: Your starter would grow to an enormous, unmanageable size. Your starter would likely become more and more inhospitable to the bacteria and yeast we want as the mixture would become ever more acidic.

What to do with grey liquid on top of sourdough starter? ›

What Should Be Done With The Hooch? If there is a clear level of the hooch at the top of your starter, pour the hooch off and re-feed the starter. However, if it only a little bit, you can stir the hooch into the starter and feed it as you typically would.

How do you fix an overfed starter? ›

You just need to feed it less! Remove (discard) half of the starter (it's best to do this by weight) and then add the same amount of flour and water into the jar. Leave the starter for at least 12 hours (you can leave it for 24 hours if it was being fed more than 3 times a day).

What does over fermented sourdough starter look like? ›

A dark watery layer, called 'hooch' (see this video) will appear on its surface, but that's absolutely normal – it doesn't mean your starter has died. This is just a sign that your starter has over fermented. Just remove the hooch before you feed your starter again.

Can you overfeed your sourdough starter? ›

Premature discarding and overfeeding will weaken your starter and elongate the process. Don't discard and re-feed a weak starter before it shows increasing bubble activity or height from the previous feeding. If you don't see more bubbles or a faster rise each day, skip a feeding, and give it more time.

Why is my sourdough starter bubbling but not rising? ›

If your starter gets completely covered on top with bubbles but does not rise, it is healthy but may just be a wet mix. Try reducing the water in your next feeding and see if you have different results. Also, the type of flour you are using can impede the rise of your starter.

What is the secret to a good sourdough starter? ›

There is no single best ratio, but I've found a ratio of 1:5:5 fed twice daily at 12-hour intervals to produce a sourdough starter that's strong and healthy. This ratio corresponds to 20% ripe starter carryover, 100% water, and 100% flour (a mix of whole grain rye and white flour) at each feeding.

What to do if sourdough starter has liquid? ›

To remedy this, simply pour off the clear liquid or stir it back into your starter. Then, discard it and give it a feeding as usual. If you see hooch form often, it can be a sign your starter needs to be fed earlier.

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