Ultimate Guide to High Protein Peanut Butter Cup (2024)

Wedoubt there’s anyone who doesn't enjoy that creamy, dreamy, sometimes crunchy, nutty goodness called peanut butter (PB). It perfectly straddles the line between savory and sweet, making it everyone's go-to for dressing up sandwiches, crackers, fruit, oatmeal, you name it.

PB is straight-up liquid gold - the perfect complement to chocolate, jams, and baked treats. No wonder it's one of America's most beloved foods, with the average Joe consuming nearly 3 pounds of it every year! And all for an awesome plant-based protein source that won't break the bank? Signus up.

But is something so delicious really good for you? What's the deal with eating peanut butter - is it healthy? Does it nourish your body or load you with junk? How much peanut is too much? Let's find out!

Is High Protein Peanut Butter Healthy?

Peanuts pack a big punch when it comes to protein, healthy fats, magnesium, vitamin E, iron...we could go on. It's like nature's multivitamin in a cute little package!

Now, sometimes peanut butter gets a bad rap for being high in fat. But hold up - we're talking about monounsaturated fat (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), a.k.a. the "good" kind. Unlike the saturated and trans-fat that harm the body, peanut butter contains PUFAs that actually helps lower bad LDL cholesterol and may reduce the risks of plaque buildup in arteries over time.

On top of that, peanut butter delivers a solid dose of fiber, which is great for improving gut health. All that fiber nourishes the good bacteria in your microbiome to keep digestion running smoothly. A happy gut paves the way for awesome immunity and reduced inflammation too!

It’s also rich in essential minerals like magnesium for healthy nerves and bones, phosphorous to keep cells pumping, zinc for immunity boosts, niacin for digestion, and metabolism-supporting vitamin B6! Peanut butter comes packed with all these benefits. So, yes - high-protein peanut butter is definitely healthy, and Scott's Protein Balls is one of the yummiest, healthiest, and easiest ways to feed your body healthy peanut butter.

What are the Health Benefits of Peanut Butter?

We've covered all the great nutrients packed into this tasty treat. But what does that actually mean for your daily life?

Promotes Weight Loss

It seems counterintuitive that a high-fat food could actually be helpful for shedding pounds. But stick with us! The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats peanut butter delivers are specially linked to lower weight gain and obesity risk compared to other fats.

These healthy fats also team up with protein and fiber, which are known for keeping you feeling full and satisfied. When you have the Scott’s Peanut Butter Cups, Java Peanut Butter Protein Balls, or Peanut Butter Cacao Protein Balls, which all take more time to digest, you will stay filled longer. This helps keep cravings in check and makes it way easier to not overeat.

Now, don't getus wrong - successful weight loss requires an overall balanced lifestyle, not just peanut butter! But adding it into the mix can be a real asset for keeping hunger at bay while getting a ton of nutritional value.

Boosts Proper Brain Functioning

This magnificent nut butter isn't just a metabolism machine - it also brings major perks for brain health and function!

Inside peanut butter, you'll find vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that helps shield delicate brain cells from damage by free radicals and oxidative stress. On top of that, it delivers a healthy dose of thiamine, a.k.a. vitamin B1. Now, thiamine might not be a household name, but it plays a huge role in converting food to fuel to power your brain.

This special nutrient also enables the production of major neurotransmitters. Those are the messengers that let nerve cells communicate and regulate everything from mood to memory to cognition.

Fights Cancerous Cells

The Java Peanut Butter Protein Balls is even packing potential cancer-fighting power! It all comes down to those trusty antioxidants again, like manganese, vitamin E, and vitamin B. They act like a protective shield to either prevent or repair cell damage inside the body, which over time can lower risks of major diseases...including cancer.

However, one very powerful antioxidant in peanuts is coumaric acid. And research shows roasting peanuts before making peanut butter actually boosts this antioxidant's strength by 22%! You’ll also get resveratrol from peanuts, which contributes to lesser risks of cancer growth, heart disease, and slows aging of cells.

Keeps Heart Healthy

Let's not forget about peanut butter's benefits for your heart too! Those monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats prove useful again, helping lower levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol. Keeping those levels in check is vital for maintaining healthy blood flow and avoiding plaque buildup.

Good for Diabetics

We know peanut butter does contain a moderate amount of carbs. But check this out...it actually has a low glycemic index compared to many other carbohydrate-based foods. In plain English, that means PB causes a nice, steady, gradual rise in blood glucose rather than rapid, nasty spikes. This makes peanut butter incredibly useful for helping regulate healthy blood sugar levels, especially for folks with diabetes.

See Also
Energy Balls

Should You Eat Protein Balls Before or After Workout?

You're probably wondering when's the best time to get your peanut butter fix - before your workout or after? And how much should you have? Great questions!

Getting some protein and carbs pre-workout is vital. It helps gear up those energy levels so you can tackle even the toughest gym sessions without fading early. This makes our peanut butter protein ball a perfect pre-workout pick-me-up!

Here's the deal - about 30 minutes before you hit the weights, go for any of Scott's Protein Balls products, be it the Scott’s Peanut Butter Cups, Java Peanut Butter Protein Balls, or Peanut Butter Cacao Protein Balls. These healthy, yummy snacks deliver a steady boost in blood sugar and glucose right when you need it the most. And because PB offers longer-burning carbs and proteins, your body keeps utilizing those nutrients even after you leave the gym. This makes it both a stellar pre- and post-workout choice!

Does Peanut Butter Have High Protein?

You might be surprised just how protein-packed this nutty nibble really is. Roughly 35% of peanut butter's total weight comes straight from protein - making it an awesome plant-based source.

We're talking about 5 grams of protein in every ball of Scott’s Peanut Butter Cups, and 10 grams in a serving! And in case you're wondering - yes, getting enough protein is critical for healthy muscles, bones, skin, cartilage, enzymes, hormones...you name it! Our bodies thrive when we feed them adequate protein.

So next time you see Scott’s Peanut Butter Cups or Peanut Butter Cacao Protein Balls on the shelf, remember - you're looking at an easy, affordable protein powerhouse that will help maintain and repair tissues all over your body. Plus, it tastes delicious!

Are There Any Risks Associated With Peanut Butter?

It almost sounds too good to be true that peanut butter can have so many benefits! Unfortunately, there is an important risk to note.

Some people have peanut allergies, meaning their immune system freaks out over peanut proteins, wrongly sensing an enemy invader. This triggers a release of chemicals that cause reactions like hives, itching, breathing issues, digestive distress...even life-threatening anaphylaxis requiring epinephrine.

Now, odds are, if you've made it this far enjoying peanut butter without issue, you likely don't have an allergy. But it's something to be mindful of, especially when getting Scott’s Peanut Butter Cups for others. Allergic reactions can be severe.

Another thing to note is the need to eat on moderation. Although yummy and nourishing, your body only needs two tablespoonfuls of peanut butter a day to function optimally. Continuosly exceeding this recommended dosage may result in undesirable weight gain, diabetes, or hypertension.


How much protein is in peanut butter balls?

Peanut butter itself packs over 7 grams of protein per every 2-tablespoon serving. That alone covers a nice chunk of the protein adult women (34–46 g) and men (34–56 g) each need daily, although this does vary a bit depending on your age, weight, and activity level.

How many protein balls should you eat a day?

It's best not to go overboard eating too many in one sitting! Protein balls make a stellar high protein snack, but they shouldn't replace full meals. As a guideline, two Peanut Butter Cacao Protein Balls make a serving and can be eaten once or twice per day to give you an energy boost without going over the top.

Can I eat protein balls every day?

You can enjoy these protein snacks every day if you'd like! Just be mindful of portions. Doctors recommend 1-2 ounces of peanut butter max per day, which equals about 2 tablespoons. Scott’s Peanut Butter Cacao Protein Balls fall within that range, making it a great daily choice!

Power Up With High Protein Peanut Butter Cup

Here at Scott's Protein Balls, we're all about nutritious and delicious snacks that fuel fitness goals. And as peanut butter lovers, we know firsthand how peanuts power workouts and recoveries. From muscle repair to sustainable energy, these nutritious proteins do it all!

That's why we created our signature High Protein Peanut Butter Cups - to deliver a hearty amount of protein with every chocolatey bite. We blend rich peanut butter with other natural ingredients, keeping things 100% tasty and wholesome.

Peanut lovers also go nuts for our Java Peanut Butter Protein Balls and Peanut Butter Cacao Protein Balls. We pack each tasty morsel with the muscle-building power of plant-based proteins and nutrient-dense ingredients.

Simply put, Scott's Protein Balls offers the most delicious way to enjoy peanuts, unlock their workout potential, and reward your body with quality nutrition. Our protein balls and cups help you power performances, refuel right, and feel amazing from your first rep to your last. Taste the difference in Scott's Protein Balls today!

Ultimate Guide to High Protein Peanut Butter Cup (2024)


What to pair with peanut butter to make complete protein? ›

Combining incomplete proteins to form a complete protein

Combinations include: Nuts or seeds with whole grains (peanut butter on whole wheat toast) Whole grains with beans (beans and rice; hummus and pita bread; bean-based chili and crackers; refried beans and tortillas)

What happens when you eat peanut butter every day? ›

Eating peanut butter in moderation provides you with wholesome nutrients. However, eating too much can make you gain weight because it is packed with calories and fats. The risk of weight gain increases even more if you consume commercial peanut butter brands, which often have added sugars, oils, and fats.

How many tbsp of peanut butter do you need for a good amount of protein? ›

When it comes to protein - ideally you want to have at LEAST 20g protein per meal. So to get more than 20g of protein from peanut butter, that means you have to eat 5 tablespoons, which will clock up over 500kcal before you add any other ingredients.

Can you get enough protein from peanut butter? ›

It's a good protein source

A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) portion of peanut butter contains ( 4 ): Carbohydrates: 22 grams of carbs (14% of calories), 5 of which are fiber. Protein: 22.5 grams of protein (14% of calories), which is quite a lot compared with most other plant foods.

What two foods can make a complete protein? ›

Complete protein sources include things like:
  • Fish.
  • Poultry.
  • Eggs.
  • Beef.
  • Pork.
  • Dairy.
  • Whole sources of soy (like tofu, edamame, tempeh and miso).
Dec 5, 2022

What foods have all 9 essential amino acids? ›

Foods that contain all nine essential amino acids are called complete proteins. These foods include beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, soy, quinoa and buckwheat. Foods that contain some but not all the essential amino acids are called incomplete proteins. These foods include nuts, seeds, beans and some grains.

Is 2 tablespoons of peanut butter a day too much? ›

Yes, it's OK to eat peanut butter every day (in moderation), says Largeman-Roth. That means sticking to the recommended serving size of two tablespoons, or close to that amount.

What happens to your gut when you eat lots of peanut butter? ›

You might get a stomach ache.

Because of its high-fat content, peanut butter can be especially difficult to digest for some people, leading to indigestion or bloating.

Is peanut butter a good protein for seniors? ›

Peanut butter is a great source of protein. Having it on toast is a great, easy and convenient way for the elderly to incorporate it into their diet.

What is the healthiest protein to eat? ›

Lean meats such as chicken, turkey, beef, and pork are excellent sources of high-quality protein as well as important nutrients like iron and zinc. To avoid unhealthy saturated fat, opt for lean or low-fat meat options such as lean ground beef, pork loin, or skinless chicken breasts.

What is the number one food that causes high blood pressure? ›

Foods high in salt or added sugars — such as soda and caffeinated drinks, baked goods, and many packaged foods — can contribute to high blood pressure. Limiting or replacing these foods in the diet can help people manage or lower their blood pressure.

Is oatmeal a complete protein? ›

'Complete' proteins contain adequate amounts of all nine. Oats contain all nine essential amino acids necessary to make up a complete protein. However, oats don't have quite enough of the amino acid lysine to qualify as a complete protein.

What is the complementary good for peanut butter? ›

Goods like peanut butter and grape jelly are complements: they are generally consumed together, for example in PB&J sandwiches.

What is a good combination with peanut butter? ›

Ideas to Try:

Add banana slices to a toasted PB&J. Spread on a rice cake or cracker. Add to a smoothie. Dip celery or carrots in peanut butter.

Do oatmeal and peanut butter make a complete protein? ›

Peanut butter and oatmeal - an unlikely duo, but a combination that has become popular among many. You may be surprised to discover that this combination forms a complete protein source! Yes, you heard it right - this delicious concoction of two humble ingredients can offer the protein your body needs.

What to eat with peanut butter to gain muscle? ›

Peanut Butter and Banana Chocolate Milk Shake

This is a high calorie nutritious and delicious post-workout shake, designed for athletes who need to gain size for their sport. Mix two tablespoons of peanut butter, one mashed banana, and two cups of chocolate milk in a blender.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.