Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (2024)

Have you ever wondered whether you have to clean your sourdough starter jar? The simple answer is you don't need to clean your sourdough jar. It's just not necessary to clean your jar all that regularly, unless it's super crusty or you can't get your starter out or fresh flour and water in.

Whether you use glass jars, plastic containers or something else for your starter, chances are you don't actually need to clean it as much as you think you do, if ever, especially if you have a mature starter.

Of course there are times when your sourdough starter jar may need a good clean, but did you know that your mother starter will actually be happier if you leave it in the same jar?

Seriously, your own colony of wild yeast and bacteria will thrive when left in their own little home. And that has got to lead to baking great sourdough bread, right?

If you're looking for more information, you might find these 30 tips for cleaner sourdough baking helpful, or this guide to the best container for sourdough starter. I've also put together this list of the most frequently asked sourdough starter questions to help you on your sourdough journey.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (1)

Should I Clean My Sourdough Starter Jar Everyday?

It's definitely not necessary to clean your sourdough starter jar everyday, or even every few days, even if you are keeping your starter at room temperature. You can easily remove the sourdough starter you need to (discard) and add equal parts fresh flour and water to refresh it without cleaning the jar.

You can easily keep the top of your sourdough starter jar clean by using a rubber or silicone spatula to scrape down the sides of the jar, as well as some paper towel to wipe off any excess.

You can also just scrape off any sourdough starter which hardens on the outside of the jar. Doing this on a regular basis will help to ensure you are maintaining a healthy sourdough starter.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (2)

Tips To Keep Your Sourdough Starter Jar Clean (without washing it)

There are many things you can do to keep your sourdough starter jar clean, without changing it everyday. These include:

  • use a wide mouth mason jar
  • use a larger container to ensure that your sourdough starter doesn't overflow
  • mix your sourdough starter in a clean bowl before transferring back into your jar
  • add the water first when feeding your starter
  • use a flexible jar spatula to scrape down the sides of the jar
  • use a paper towel or damp cloth to wipe the rim of the jar after feeding
  • regular feeding of your sourdough starter will help keep the bacteria and natural yeast working to avoid mold

Keeping your sourdough starter clean and free from debris is a good idea because dirty jars can encourage mold to form or fruit flies to take up residence.

Wide Mouth Jar

A sourdough starter container with a wide mouth, like a mason jar, is perfect. A wide mouth allows you to add flour and water to the jar without a lot of mess. Wide-mouth jars often have straight sides too, which is also handy for keeping the jar mess free.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (3)

Don't Let Your Starter Overflow

Using a jar a bit bigger than you think you'll need is often a good idea. If your sourdough starter container is too small, your starter may overflow which can cause the top of the jar to have crusty bits and encourage mold and fruit flies.

The side of the jar can get really messy from overflow very quickly. Smaller jars tend to be harder to work with and need cleaning more often because of overflow. Choosing the right container is really important to the health of your starter.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (4)

Warmer temperatures can also cause your sourdough starter to escape it's container, so keeping an eye on the ideal temperature for your sourdough starter is important.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (5)

Mix Your Starter Outside Your Jar

Many people find mixing their sourdough starter outside of the jar helpful. They take the sourdough starter out of the jar, discarding what they don't need. Then add fresh flour and water, mix vigorously and return to the jar. You can of course clean the jar using this process, but you don't have to.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (6)
Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (7)

Add Water First

Adding water first really helps to reduce the mess in your sourdough starter jar. In fact, if you add the water and then pop the lid on and give it a shake before adding the flour, the water will clean the sides of the jar and get all the stray bits of starter off.

I find this method is really good in keeping my sourdough starter container clean and reducing the need for washing it each day. For this method, it's handy to have a tight fitting lid for shaking to avoid water spraying everywhere. Once the starter has been fed, you can just loosely sit the lid on the top.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (8)

Use A Jar Spatula

This jar spatula is an absolute game changer for sourdough starter! I use it to keep my sourdough starter jars clean on the inside, but also to mix my sourdough recipes too. I highly recommend having a couple floating around your kitchen.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (9)
Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (10)

Have Paper Towel Handy

Paper towel is perfect for keeping the top of your sourdough starter jar clean, so you don't have to wash it. Wiping away excess starter with a paper towel makes sense, because using a dish cloth is messy and ends up wasting a lot of water trying to get the flour and water off.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (11)

Regular Feedings Are Essential

Feeding your sourdough starter regularly will reduce the risk of your sourdough starter attracting mold and fruit flies. It will also reduce the hooch it will potentially produce.

A regularly fed and well maintained sourdough starter is generally happier and will therefore be less prone to mold and harmful bacteria forming on the top of your starter.

It doesn't matter whether you're feeding your starter with whole wheat flour, bread flour or even all purpose flour - it must be fed regularly to survive (unless you've made provisions for long term storage). Feeding your starter with different flours is perfectly fine.

Do Sourdough Starter Jars and Equipment Need To Be Sterilised?

There's no need to sterilise sourdough starter jars or other equipment like spatulas and spoons. You should just try to be as clean as possible, without being obsessive. Washing jars and equipment in hot water with a little dishwashing liquid and rinsing well is enough - just like you would do when you wash up after a meal or clean up after baking sourdough.

Rinsing everything well is important because any residue of dishwashing liquid can upset your sourdough starter and encourage mold or other harmful bacteria to grow.

Sourdough starters existed long before the good sanitation standards we enjoy today. Did you know that sourdough starters were once carried by gold miners in the gold rush era, who often kept them in their armpits for warmth. The fermentation process of sourdough is one with a rich history and sterilisation has definitely not been a key part of sourdough survival.

Are Glass Jars Easier To Clean then Plastic Jars?

Given that we don't have to sterilise sourdough starter containers, it's really personal choice whether you use plastic or glass. Neither are necessarily easier to clean than the other, although I find glass is easier to scrape down with a spatula than plastic.

You can find a good guide to the kind of container to use for sourdough starters here.

How Do I Know If My Sourdough Starter Jar Is Contaminated?

It's pretty easy to see when your sourdough starter is contaminated and no longer viable. If you see any signs of mold, pink or orange streaks (bad bacteria) or other contaminants, it's time to rehydrate some dried sourdough starter or grab a bag of starter out of the freezer to start again.

You could also use these instructions for making a new sourdough starter if you have no back ups at all.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (12)

Should I Discard The Hooch In Sourdough Starter?

You don't have to discard the hooch that may form on top of your starter. If it's been in the fridge for a long time and the hooch is black or discolored, you may prefer to discard it before feeding and refreshing your starter. You'll find a full guide to reviving an old sourdough starter here (including how to deal with the hooch).

If the hooch is clear, you might prefer to stir it in for a stronger sour flavor. A sourdough starter shouldn't really produce hooch unless it hasn't been fed in a long time.

If yours is a new starter and is producing hooch regularly, you'll need to troubleshoot your sourdough starter and find out what is causing the issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get mold on my sourdough starter if I don't clean the jar everyday?

No you won't get mold on your sourdough starter if you don't clean the jar everyday, so long as you keep the rim of the jar clean and your starter is fed regularly. Sourdough starter contains lactic acid bacteria which can help to fight off mold and other harmful bacteria.

Is it ok to use a clean jar every time I feed my sourdough starter?

Yes, while it's not necessary to use a clean jar every time you feed your sourdough starter, it is not harmful to your starter to do so. Some people use the "two jar method" which means you feed into a clean jar and then wash the dirty jar ready for the next feed.

Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (13)
Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? (2024)


Should You Clean Your Sourdough Starter Jar? ›

During a feeding, discard part of your starter per usual and then scrape down as much residual starter as possible, reincorporating it back into the mixture. Then wipe the top and sides of the jar with a towel to remove any remaining liquid. If you can get the top half reasonably clean, that's good enough.

How often should I clean a sourdough starter jar? ›

I keep my starter jar very clean by scraping down the sides and wiping the rim every time I feed it, so I transfer it to a clean jar once every few weeks. If you keep a very messy starter jar you may want to transfer it to a clean jar more frequently. The only thing that can really kill your starter is mold.

Do you need to Sterilise sourdough starter jar? ›

Yes, while it's not necessary to use a clean jar every time you feed your sourdough starter, it is not harmful to your starter to do so. Some people use the "two jar method" which means you feed into a clean jar and then wash the dirty jar ready for the next feed.

Can you keep sourdough starter in airtight jar? ›

It will need a lid or cover, but not something airtight: Sourdough starter emits gas, and a sealed canister can explode. If you have intermittent baking plans, you may want something that can be lidded more tightly and stashed in the refrigerator.

Should I stir my sourdough starter between feedings? ›

stir your starter in between feedings - try stirring it twice in between feedings and really give it a chance to get oxygen into the mix. This will help to activate your starter without too much effort.

Do I need a new jar every time I feed my starter? ›

Do I Have to Discard Every Time I Feed My Starter? Yes, it's necessary to discard a little of your sourdough starter each time you feed it; otherwise, your mixture will eventually become very large and overly acidic. (Be sure to read below for ways to save and use this sourdough starter discard!)

Do you discard every time you feed sourdough starter? ›

With each sourdough starter feeding, you'll be discarding some to avoid it from becoming overly acidic. Most will compost or trash this discard, but you can save it and use it in other recipes!

Is it better to keep sourdough starter in glass or plastic? ›

Glass is the best material for a sourdough starter jar. Glass won't degrade over time or absorb aromas or flavors, and most glass jars can safely be washed in the dishwasher. Plus, with glass, you can easily see the signs of sourdough starter fermentation.

Can I use my starter if it doesn't float? ›

Can I use a deflated starter if I missed its peak? You can, and I often have. However, if you have the time to wait, you can also feed it again and let the starter rise once more. This would help to achieve more consistent results.

Can I use tap water for sourdough starter? ›

Ideally you want to feed your starter with one of the following water choices: Clean Spring Water. Bottled Water (but read the source of it) Filtered Tap Water (jug filter, fridge filter or house filter)

How do I know if my sourdough starter is contaminated? ›

Rancid or Putrid Smell – If your starter has a rancid, putrid, or even rotten odour, then it is likely to have spoiled or have been contaminated. This could be due to the growth of harmful bacteria or mould. In this case, it is best to discard the starter and start fresh.

Is it OK for my sourdough starter to smell? ›

2. Ripe/Sweet – Your starter will sometimes smell like ripe banana, apple, or cantaloupe. This is a natural byproduct of sugars fermenting in your starter. It is totally normal (and desirable) and often happens as a starter is approaching peak and for a short time after peak.

Can you overfeed sourdough starter? ›

Yes, you can overfeed your sourdough starter. Audrey explains: “Every time you add more flour and water, you are depleting the existing population of natural bacteria and yeast.” If you keep adding more and more, eventually you'll dilute the starter so much that you'll just have flour and water.

What happens if I forgot to discard the starter before feeding? ›

If you don't get rid of the excess, eventually you'll have more starter than your feedings can sustain. After a few days, your daily 1/4 cup flour and water won't be enough to sustain your entire jar of starter, and your starter will be slow and sluggish, not much better than discard itself.

How soon after feeding sourdough starter can I use it? ›

*Do not try baking with your starter right after feeding it. Allow time for it to grow and feast on the flour before using it. Starters are usually ready to bake with around 4-12 hours after a feeding depending on the amount you feed your starter. The larger the feeding, the more time it needs to ferment.

How often should you refresh sourdough starter? ›

Refresh your starter at least once a week, even if you are not baking. Always refresh your starter the day before you bake – and if you can, refresh it twice back to back. It will make all the difference.

How long can you let sourdough starter sit? ›

I wouldn't go more than 24 hours without feeding a very young sourdough starter (it may survive longer than this unfed however you will leave it open to the risk of mold). Mature sourdough starter aged more than 6 months old should be able to survive unfed on the counter for around 3-4 days without any risk of mold.

Does sourdough starter discard go bad? ›

It will become very sour and acidic after just a few days on the counter. As it is basically unfed sourdough starter, left unfed it will deteriorate and eventually be taken over by harmful bacteria a mold. What is this? Stored in the fridge, sourdough discard will go to sleep and last a lot longer.

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