Mold on Your Sourdough Starter? Check out These Causes (2024)

Learn why mold on your sourdough starter can occur, how to prevent it, and effective ways to revive your starter.

​Did you find mold on your sourdough starter?

I know that that is not a pretty sight and can be frustrating!

In this article, I will share the main causes of a moldy sourdough starter which is likely to happen more on a new starter than an established one.

Some of these causes may be obvious but others may completely surprise you. The good news is that understanding the various reasons will help you eliminate them. And get your nice active starter back!

If you don’t one yet, you can read this article onhow to make your own sourdough starter.

What are the main reasons for mold on sourdough starters?

Most causes of mold come from:

  • The ingredients
  • The tools
  • Water
  • Improper storage
  • The environment

What does mold look like?

Most likely, you will know if you have mold on your starter or not. It is often black and fuzzy growth on the side of the jar or on top of your starter. Bad bacteria can also appear as an orange tinge or pink streaks.

However, if you see a brown liquid sitting on top of your sourdough starter that is called “hooch”. It is not dangerous but is often a sign that your starter is hungry. Some people recommend pouring it off. I usually stir it back in and feed it with some extra flour.

Kahm yeast is something else you might find on your starter but it is not really a kind of mold. It often looks white and powdery. It is a sign of yeast over-growth and is harmless.

Mold on Your Sourdough Starter? Check out These Causes (1)

Contaminated Ingredients

There are 3 ways ingredients can cause mold on your sourdough starter:

  1. Your flour might contain mold spores. It could be that the flour is old or was stored in a damp environment.Solution:try a new or fresh flour
  2. The other reason can be bleached flour or conventional flour. Bleaching flour can kill the wild yeasts and good bacteria that are on the grains that we are trying to cultivate. If you are using conventional flour, the grains have likely been sprayed with synthetic pesticides and herbicides that can also kill the natural yeast.Solution:try using at least unbleached flour but better yet organic flour.

The Tools

It is very important to use clean tools and equipment. By clean, I don’t mean bleached or sterilized necessarily. However, soap residue on the jar for your starter can cause mold.

Solution:be sure to use a new or clean jar.

People often worry about using metal utensils. This will not create mold! Especially if you’re only using a metal fork or spoon to stir your sourdough starter.

Mold on Your Sourdough Starter? Check out These Causes (2)

The Water

The type of water you are using can also cause a mouldy sourdough starter. City water often contains chlorine which will inhibit the growth of a good sourdough culture, especially if you have a very new sourdough starter. It makes sense because municipalities add chlorine to kill microorganisms – and that can kill the good bacteria in your starter as well.

Although rare in the US, the water could also be contaminated with something.

Solution:use filtered or bottled water. If you only have tap water available, you can leave it standing in an open container at room temperature for at least 24 hours and the chlorine will evaporate. Alternatively, you can boil it for 15 minutes.

Improper Storage

If you are keeping your sourdough starter on the counter for regular feedings, it will do best in a warm environment. If you are following my no discard, no feeding sourdough maintenance method, you will keep it in the refrigerator for the most part. Even a healthy sourdough starter can grow mold if you keep it at high humidity. Also, any heat above 140˚F will most likely kill the wild yeast in your starter which will happen in a hot oven. If you keep your sourdough starter in the oven with the light on, be sure to take it out before your turn on the oven.

Solution:make sure to keep your sourdough starter at about 70-85˚F.This nifty device keeps your sourdough starter at the optimal temperature.

The Environment

This is something that people don’t talk about often. However, there are a few ways in which the environment can cause your sourdough starter to go bad:

  1. Mold spores from moldy fruit can jump over to your sourdough starter and cause mold growth. If you keep fruit or vegetables next to your sourdough starter or in the bread dough, and they have mold on them, the mold spores can easily spread to the starter and start growing there.Solution:make sure to keep your sourdough starter away from anything moldy or even other ferments (such as homemade sauerkraut or kefir).
  2. An over-sanitized home can also potentially harm the beneficial bacteria and yeasts in a sourdough starter. While cleanliness and good hygiene practices are important for preventing the growth of harmful bacteria, excessive use of sanitizers and disinfectants can create an environment that is too sterile and can kill off beneficial microorganisms.Solution:only use sanitizers, disinfectants, bleach, and so on if absolutely necessary. More info: read the CDC’s guidelines for cleaning your home.
  3. Your hands. As Vanessa Kimbell says in her book ” Sourdough School” ( “I believe, however, that there is another influence in determining which microbes end up in starters. The cultures are nurtured by human hands, and I think that this interdependent relationship with the baker is the missing part of our understanding of where the microbes come from. In other words, the lactic acid bacteria in each baker’s pot might well be influenced by the lactic acid bacteria from the baker’s own skin microflora.”Solution:avoid over-sanitizing your hands.More info: read the CDC’s guidelines on washing your hands.
Mold on Your Sourdough Starter? Check out These Causes (3)

What do you do if you have mold on your sourdough starter?

If there is any visible mold on your sourdough starter you can never go wrong by throwing it out and creating a new sourdough starter.

However, if there is only a tiny bit of mold on the side of the starter jar, you could scrape that off generously. Then you take a small amount of that starter, transfer it to a new jar and give it a little extra attention in the form of feedings with flour and water. Ultimately, you should go with what you are comfortable with.

Again, if in doubt, just throw out the bad sourdough starter entirely.

What about an unpleasant smell?

You might be worried if your sourdough starter smells like nail polish remover, but most likely, it has not gone bad.

I have actually experienced that after I had kept it in the refrigerator for a long time (more than six months; you can learn more about my sourdough maintenance method). Usually, that is a sign of over-fermentation which produce high levels of acetone.Solution:take a small amount of that old starter and feed it with equal parts of flour and water. You may have to do some additional feedings for a few days until you have a nice, active sourdough starter again.

What Will Not Cause Your Sourdough Starter To Go Bad:

Despite what you may have heard, these things will not kill your sourdough starter:

  • using metal utensils (see above)
  • mild neglect (just resume your regular feedings)
  • incorrect feeding (if you’re not feeding enough, you might get “hooch” and if you are feeding too much flour it might get too dry and not rise as much)
  • freezing your sourdough starter (if you’d like to keep your starter long-term I recommend dehydrating it; if you only freeze it for a short time, it won’t kill it but the longer you freeze it the more inactive it might get)
Mold on Your Sourdough Starter? Check out These Causes (4)

How to Prevent Mold in First Place:

Here are the best practices for preventing mold on your sourdough starter:

  • Start with a clean jar.
  • Use organic, unbleached all-purpose flour. A better option is whole wheat flour and the best option is rye flour.
  • Keep it at 70-75˚F. Either follow a discard-and-feed method according to the instructions or use my super easy method to make a sourdough starter. If you are making a starter for the first time, it might be your most challenging one to make.
  • Keep the sourdough starter in a clean but not overly sterilized environment. Be sure to keep it away from your other ferments and anything moldy.

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The Easiest Way To Make A Sourdough Starter

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Mold on Your Sourdough Starter? Check out These Causes (5)
Mold on Your Sourdough Starter? Check out These Causes (2024)


Mold on Your Sourdough Starter? Check out These Causes? ›

Even a healthy sourdough starter can grow mold if you keep it at high humidity. Also, any heat above 140˚F will most likely kill the wild yeast in your starter which will happen in a hot oven. If you keep your sourdough starter in the oven with the light on, be sure to take it out before your turn on the oven.

What happens if my sourdough starter gets moldy? ›

The safest bet is to toss the entire starter and start fresh. Or ask another friend with a healthy sourdough starter for some of theirs. Bakers are usually always willing to part with a little bit of starter. Mold growth operates much like the roots and branches of a tree.

How do I know if my sourdough starter has bad bacteria? ›

Rancid or Putrid Smell – If your starter has a rancid, putrid, or even rotten odour, then it is likely to have spoiled or have been contaminated. This could be due to the growth of harmful bacteria or mould. In this case, it is best to discard the starter and start fresh.

What does mold look like on sourdough bread? ›

Since bread is full of tiny holes and pores, mold can travel easily below the surface of the bread. So, if one part of sourdough bread is affected by mold, the whole loaf is compromised (source: USDA). As a general rule, mold found on sourdough bread will be fuzzy white or greenish-blue in color.

What happens if you have mold? ›

Allergy and irritation are the most common symptoms of mold exposure. Less common effects of mold exposure include infections and illness. Serious infections from molds are relatively rare and occur mainly in people with severely suppressed immune systems. Illness has been reported from workplace exposures to mold.

Can I scrape the mold off my sourdough starter? ›

If there is any visible mold on your sourdough starter you can never go wrong by throwing it out and creating a new sourdough starter. However, if there is only a tiny bit of mold on the side of the starter jar, you could scrape that off generously.

Is it bad to eat moldy sourdough? ›

You shouldn't eat mold on bread or from a loaf with visible spots. The mold roots can quickly spread through bread, though you can't see them. Eating moldy bread could make you sick, and inhaling spores may trigger breathing problems if you have a mold allergy.

When to throw away sourdough starter? ›

It's usually pretty obvious when your starter has gone bad. You will either see mold or discoloration (generally pink or orange). If you see either of these things, you will need to toss your starter. The smell is usually a big give away.

How do I know if I killed my sourdough starter? ›

Keep feeding your starter, and you'll see normal activity (bubbles) return in a few days. If your starter has a bit of dark liquid on top, it's not dead! It simply means it's hungry and that it's time to feed it. Unless your starter has a pink or orange hue or is beginning to mold, you probably haven't killed it yet.

How do I know if my sourdough starter is safe to use? ›

Generally, when a starter is ripe, it has risen, is bubbly on top, has a sour aroma, and has a looser consistency. Typical signs your starter is ripe and ready to be used: Some rise. Bubbles on top and at the sides.

How to tell if sourdough is bad? ›

It's pretty easy to tell when sourdough bread has gone bad because it will be covered in visible signs of mold growth and will feel hard both inside and out. It may also smell bad too, but not always. Once it's past the fresh stage (first 24 hours) you will notice some deterioration in crust and crumb.

What is the black hooch on my sourdough starter? ›

This thin liquid (called “hooch”) is merely alcohol and water generated by your starter's wild yeast as it feeds. Hooch is a visible cry for help: Your starter is hungry. Once you get it back on a regular regimen of care, it should recover just fine.

What if I accidentally ate moldy bread? ›

If someone were to consume a large amount of mold, they might experience nausea, indigestion, cramping and possibly diarrhea, Lee said. But these symptoms are not inherently a bad thing, she explained. "It's your body's protective mechanism kicking in and trying to get rid of the agent out of your body."

What are the 10 warning signs of mold toxicity? ›

What Are the Warning Signs of Mold Toxicity?
  • Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, and frequent sinus infections.
  • Rashes, itching, burning sensations, and persistent skin irritation.
  • Headaches, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, brain fog and memory problems.
Dec 15, 2023

What are the symptoms of mold toxicity? ›

The most common symptoms of mold exposure include:
  • Coughing.
  • Postnasal drip (a runny nose)
  • Sneezing.
  • Dry, scaly skin.
  • Itchy eyes, nose, or throat.
  • Nasal congestion (a stuffy nose)
May 27, 2024

How to test for mold toxicity? ›

A blood test, sometimes called the radioallergosorbent test, can measure your immune system's response to mold by measuring the amount of certain antibodies in your bloodstream known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies.

Why does my sourdough starter smell musty? ›

If you don't feed your starter for a while you'll notice other aromas creep in. When yeast eats sugars and starches, they produce carbon dioxide and alcohol. So, you'll notice more of an alcohol smell. If you still don't feed your starter for a longer period of time, the starter will develop some serious funky smells.

Can bacteria grow in sourdough starter? ›

The sourdough starter is an excellent habitat where natural and wild yeast plus beneficial bacteria grow by ingesting only water and flour.

Is sourdough resistant to mold? ›

Bakers and eaters alike may notice a particular quirk of sourdough bread: it doesn't go moldy like conventionally leavened bread. Now, scientists have figured out why the sour stuff is mold-resistant, and they may be able to apply it to other foods to halt the fungus among us.

Does dry sourdough starter go bad? ›

Dried sourdough starter lasts indefinitely, and can be brought back to life with water and flour when you're finally ready to bake again.

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